Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here's a VIDEO!!!!!

Hi all:)

Here is one pf the videos my mom took of me. Let's hope it downloaded correctly.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Quick Update

Hi family:)

Well I got my first vaccine last week....I ended up with a fever and was not really myself for the few days following. Now that I feel like myself again, I have to go get another shot tomorrow:( My mom is keeping her fingers crossed that I don't have a rxn to the shot this time.

Here are some pics over the past few days....by the way I am 9 weeks old today and I weighed almost 12lb and was 22.75in at my last visit to the Dr.

Dancin' with my Dad:)

Sweet Dreams

I love Sundays

Reading along with Dad

Chillin in my stroller....I LOVE being outside by the way

Dad made a KILLER rotisserie chicken this weekend....mmmmmmm

Here is one with my mom....she is always taking my picture.

That's it for today. Hope you are all doing well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Engagement Party!!!

Hi Everyone:) I went to my first engagement party last night for my cousin Anita and her fiance Harrison. This was a few days prior but my mom thought this picture of me was cute, so she put it in there.

First off...
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Anita and Harrison

I met alot of my family last night, I got to meet:

My Great Aunt Rae and Great Uncle Bill

My Cousin Ally

My Cousin Trina

My Aunt Faye and Uncle Dan....
Do I hear the pitter patter of little feet in your future? I really think Aunt Faye & Uncle Dan would be great parents, don't they look like naturals?
I mean really, look how gentle uncle Dan is with me here:

My cousin Carla is also recently engaged to Bill who is a fantastic guy... he couldn't be there last night cause he is working in Dubai....I hope I can go visit him one day.
Congratulations Carla and Bill!!!

My cousins are all so Beautiful....
I'm lucky to share the same genes:)

Also...Congratulations to Heather and James...They just got married!
Careful James...Babies make babies.

And here I am the morning after...
telling dad all about last night.

Well that's all...

Monday, October 6, 2008

For the Grandparents

I can go from this.....
To this in seconds!


Yeah!!! My diaper is clean!!!

Mom & I waking up from a nap:)

I see you!

Dad's teaching me to play HALO, I'm fascinated by the vibrating controller!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Been A While

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted...we moved and my mom hasn't had internet access. From where we left off on the last post...I've grown alot!!! Here are a few pics of me getting bigger:)
I make funny faces like my Dad.
Here we are on a bench at Caltech
Like the shirt says!!

Last weekend Grandma Shari drove out from Tucson to help my mom while Dad was away. She brought her big dog Duke too and we all had a great time:)

Lookin Cute

I feel all exposed!!

Even bigger than the last pic. By the way I love my swing...thanks Homyk family:)

Dad gave me my first bottle...after a half hour of trying to get me to stop crying...the bottle worked! I prefer breastfeeding...but I was hungry!
Here I am this morning!!! Great now we're updated!

That's all for now! Until next time...