I would love to be able to post a video of me....mom's video camera is still on the brink. Hopefully that will change soon and you all can see just how good I'm talking, running, jumping, climbing and generally getting into trouble.
I really wanted to sit in mom's chair for Brawt night....so my wonderful parents let me sit on dad's books for a booster chair. Is it just me or do all kids like to put olives on their fingers?
I have so much fun at the park with Natalie and Ashton...they taught me how to make huge wood chip piles....sooooooo much fun....especially the part where we put the wood chips all over ourselves!
It amazes me how popular I become when I take Odysseus for walks at the park
I always have to stop and tell the kids that Ody is "nice" and show them how to pet him
Then we continue our walk
I love to explore...especially the places less ventured upon
Here I am feeding my favorite dinosaur some leaves from a tree....this is where I would love to have video so you can hear my sound effects....I am pretty good at the munching sounds
The tub was full when I started....but things needed watering:
Like my other pail...
And my tricycle, slide, and boat...oh and um, me of course
Cooking with mom and dad is so much fun! I get to help stir, mix, knead, roll, and of course taste...
Look I finally figured out how to hold the rolling pin....so of course I wouldn't put it down or let it go...I even tried to roll one of the pepperoni, didn't work so well
See...I love to snack on the food mom is preparing...we made sauteed fish with kalamata olives, artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers in a garlic lemon butter sauce with mushroom risotto and steamed carrots...delish!
After diner Dad and I made home made whipped cream with fresh strawberries for desert, dad gave me my first beater to lick!
After dinner, desert, and cleaning the kitchen...mom and I sat down for my guitar lesson...I'm learning to finger pick and strum at the moment....I'm pretty good!
Bathed, dressed and ready for bed...Good Night everyone :)Ciao!Bella