I'm 2 years old!!! I had a fantastic birthday! Check it out! Some of the pictures in this post are from early July...we though we had lost them, but here they are!

My first bento box, and training chop stix! I loved it!

I actually got pretty good with them

I finished off mom's miso soup....delicious!

So happy running to daddy

I've got this phone thing down!

Thanks for my cooking set Aunt Gina! I use it everyday

See...I put pepper on my eggs every morning

I had soooo much fun with Nina and Creampa over my birthday week! Just the three of us went on all sorts of fun outings together. Thank You so much and I miss you!

I really got the hang of this opening presents thing

You should see the damage I did to my side of the cake...hehehe

Thoroughly enjoying my b-day cake!
(the date is wrong on the camera)

Watching a movie with Creampa

I am goldi locks, and here are the three bears. Thanks Great Grandma and Great Aunt Carol.

Right handed?

Left handed?


Look at the letter A I drew!!!
Here we are at the Explora childrens' science museum. I had way too much fun at the air table in the video. I literally played on it for about 20 min or more. Mom was ok with it because the air dried my clothes...they had gotten soaked from a few of the water tables I was playing at.