Let's start where we left off shall we......Christmas!

98% of those are for Bella....she had a good Christmas:)

New tricycle was the first thing spotted...

Then...the opening frenzy began!

Here I am setting up my new art center...then I realized...

That if I climbed on the desk I could reach the counter!

Aunt Gina and Uncle Scott got me one of those bouncy balls w/the handle...soooo fun!

So sassy in my new wagon from Grandma Carol and Grandpa Kenny

Dad flew Nanna out as a gift for mom...we relaxed alot:)

We played alot too....mom is holding Nanna and I hostage on the teeter totter

Ody has to make sure I'm ok

Mom helps push me a little on my tricycle

I love being able to swing in Dec!

This is about to be turned back into a crib

We went on a hike to try to get mom into labor...it didn't work....but...
Here is my brother....Xander!

Just home from the hospital

I had to hold him!

I'm pretty sure mom has a pic of me sleeping on dad like this

Proud grandparents...2nd edition

Creampa can multi-task!

Not bad at holding my head up..for not even a week old

I get tired quick though

Here Xander, I'll show you how it works

Three generations of Henrys...they all like movies!

My mouth is open...where's my milk?

Fish aren't supposed to fly...are they?

Nanna meets Xander!

Grandma Carol meets Xander

Proud mommy:)

Nanna doesn't have my milk so I'll just sleep on her:)

Double temptation! Happy Bday Aunt Gina!

I love my baby brother!

I'll protect you:)
The kiss
Xander is getting too heavy for me to hold!

Cog table at the Explora Museum

I love the bubble table! Thanks for taking me Nanna!

Getting even better at holding my head up

Yup...that's right! I'm a rock star!

1st trip to park:)

Dad's quad workout

Proud daddy!

We love you Isabella!!!
Ciao!Bella & Xander