My first Christmas! What an exciting time for my parents and family. A good time was had by all. This post is a big one, hope you enjoy!!!

The parentals and I x-mas morning
Merry Christmas!!!

Auntie Ann and I x-mas morning

Time to open our stockings!

What am I supposed to do with this again???

Wait mom I hear Something crinkly...oooohh Auntie Ann, what did Santa bring you??

Peeps you say, hmm...those look fun!

No really these make the best crinkle sound!

Wow!!! These are fascinating!!!

Brite Starts teether...thanks Santa, I'll need this soon enough

Oooohhh this look like it'll be fun!!!

I LOVE books!!!

Santa even brought Duke and Odysseus gifts....they really liked the peanut butter!

Thanks Uncle Brian and Aunt Brandy, I love it!!!

Uh Oh...I ripped it

No mom, don't rip it anymore than it already is!

Ohhhh that's why you wanted to rip it!

Wow, it's sooo soft and silky

Chillin' on x-mas w/Aunt Brandy

I let Uncle Brian give me a wanted a glass of wine.

All smiles w/Auntie Ann

Now what do the Parentals have me in???

Nice socks mom!

Aunt Denise & Uncle Brandon gave me this for's SOOOOO much FUN!!!

Thank You Aunt Denise & Uncle Brandon!!!!

Here they are rockin' out to Guitar Hero

Mom and Aunt Denise rock out too...they're crazy:)

Here is Yira and her daughter Yira, I look like I'm about to sneeze.

Check out the awesome kitchen Alexa got for Christmas!

Aunt Shanna and Uncle Matt introducing me to cellophane, it crinkles nicely

Mom's horrible attempt to get me to look at the camera.

Still not working mom

Christmas is really exhausting!!!
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