Hi friends and family!!!! Sorry it has been so long since I've posted anything....I've been traveling with mom and dad. Talk about a first family vacation....we were gone for 3 weeks! We got to visit 3 sets of my grandparents and even one set of my GREAT grandparents. Enjoy the pics....there are lots... (I am going to update this post through out the week so keep checking it)
Couple of pics before we left...

My daddy got me this dress, isn't it beautiful!

Trying to kiss Kosey....well bite his chin more like it
Let the Trip Pics Begin!!!

I Finally got to meet Uncle Scott.....he's way too much fun...he reads me books....

And even lets me play the drums!

Aunt Gina showed me how to use the drum sticks

Here are Aunt Lara, Uncle Bill and Gram Carol....I had a full body rash that day and wasn't much feeling like hangin' with the family.

Going in for the kill!!! I still have the rash in this pic...if you zoom in enough you can even see it!

SCORE!!! Yummy!

I LOVE Avocados!!!

Carla and Bill's wedding was the reason we went to AZ...It was a beautiful wedding, according to my mom, I slept through it. Don't they look gorgeous!
Now here's Florida!
Family eating, drinking, and being merry! (They are drinking Grandpa Brian's homemade beer....its pretty spectacular!)

Great Grandpa (aka GG) Mike

Toddling and getting into everything!

Nanna reading me a pile-o-books

Great Aunt Andrea, Great Aunt Kelly and Great Uncle Sean all entertaining me

Having fun with Nanna and Great Aunt Andrea

GG is hysterical!!!

Grandpa Brian is a great story teller!

Really Grandpa? You don't say!

More books with Nanna

Great Aunt Stephanie thinks I'm adorable....I think her dogs are fantastic!

This is Houston....she played ball with me so nicely!

Even My 2nd cousin Brittany know how much i love books :)

Yeah! new fun toys!!! Thanks Great Nanna!

Family hanging out in the living room of the Condo we rented while in Key Largo

Meanwhile I was in the bedroom getting into stuff :)

Great Nanna helping me brush my teeth :)

Morning GG and Great Nanna

Great Nanna do you hear this doll sing too?

Wow GG!!! I love your stuffed animal tree!
4 Generations!!!!
Grandpa Brian all smiles even over a channel catfish caught behind my Great Nanna's house.

Swimming with my dad :)

Rafting with my mom on our last day in Florida :)
Back to Arizona!!!
(Tucson this time)

Grandpa Mike...I think I get the hang of this!

Wait! Uncle Brian check out this plant....can I eat it?

Odysseus is the best! He helps me clean my plate...literally!

He gets every last drop!

I got to meet Sheira :) She is one of Uncle Brian's dogs...his other dog, Sandy, was afraid of me and hid for most of my visit :( At first Sheira wanted to lick me silly...

So we let her....and I laughed!

I think I may have just farted in this one...hmmmm???

Hi mom! Got your nose! hehehe

Aunt Brandy helping me walk to Uncle Brian...and that's Sandy!

Yeah Uncle Brian!!!!

Sheira finally stopped licking me once she couldn't taste lotion anymore :)

I do resemble Grandpa Mike!

Here Duke I'll do it for you....this is how you close your eye...just like me!

WAIT! Duke I wasn't done...Grandma Shari please let me get him!?!?!

Yeah! Those birds are fascinating.

Duke is GREAT! He even lets me sit on him.

He's probably thinking..."oye she's beating on my head again!"

I love this picture of us :)

Nose kisses by Dad :)

Choo Choo around the house w/Grandpa Mike


Entertaining the grandparents!
Mom's 30th B-Day Party!
Aunt Denise & Uncle Brandon hosted the party...Thanks!!! We all had a blast! It was great seeing you all!

Partying w/Adriana :) in our pre-party attire

Bob, Alexa, and Ben....Gladiators!

The guys all hanging out near the cerveza

Aunts Shana and Denise looking gorgeous in black...yup they all wore black to mom's 30th....hehehehe

Bangin' on the Bongos

That's you and me in the mirror Uncle Brian :)

Wow mom...look at SCUBA Barbie, she's diving!

AHHHH Mom Don't Shoot!!!! But cool squirt gun!

All the kids helping mom blow out her candles....I still don't quite get the concept. Hopefully by my 1st b-day I will :)

Aunt Emily and I
Tooooooo Cute for words!

at least my mom says we are anyway
Hope you enjoyed them, and sorry for making you continually scroll to the bottom to review the new pics...I won't put them up that way again.
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