So it has been 3 months since we've posted anything....sorry:( Here are a bunch of pics...some from Easter thru now. We hope you get caught up :)

Nothing but love for my baby brother

Hi Aunt Gina:) I love you

Artist hard at work

I look like a baby Gilligan...
but way cuter

I love Dr Seuss books

Mom showing me how to color the Easter eggs

I got the hang of it pretty quickly

Whoa this one is heavy!

Sorry Easter bunny...I had to eat the carrots we left out for you

Look how many eggs we found!

I get this from my dad

Xander all smiles with Creampa :)

Relaxin' with Dad

My first ice cream truck popsicle

Who needs fancy toys!?

I adore my big sister

I finally got to meet my Grandpa Brian

Not sure why this keeps coming out rotated.... it's a good pic so we're keeping it

I'll try to make that face, but I'm still lacking in manual dexterity and basic coordination

Now let me try to touch your face

We are sooooooooo adorable...hehehe

I am always giggling

Now this is how you drink watermelon juice!

I sat still long enough for this if you can believe it!

Hanging out with sister on my floor mat

Mmmmmm Miso soup...or as I call it "sushi soup"

Isabella teaches me all the sea creatures in my crib

I like taking naps in Xander's room

Helping Daddy blow out his candles

I love napping with Dad

Dad used to never be able to nap....funny how Bella and I changed that

Xander's first ride in the Chariot

Always smiling :)

I sometimes get tired on our walks and Xander is nice enough to share his seat

I'm even starting to try and get my legs under me too

Xander is too heavy for me to pick up

Bella shares so nicely with me :)

Wow! If only I could put this whole thing in my mouth!

Hmmmmmm now what is this?

Ummmmm not so sure...

What did you do to my breast milk?!

Ok Bella I'll eat it if you think I should

That is the Humming bird that we nursed back to even flies by once in a while

My sister is teaching me how to use this with my hands instead of my feet :)

Aunt Gina trying to control the present opening madness...we don't even know who brought what was fun!!!

Mom's 1st attempt at Lightning McQueen...Dad and Bella ate the back end before mom even had the frosting frosting is super hard to make by the way.

I love my green towel dress...thanks Biddy!!!

I am so good with the mouse now that I can even lay down and work the computer

Ok mom...I'm ready for my dinner!!!

Woohoo!!! I love my food now that you eliminated my breast milk from it....that should really stay on tap :)
Bella & Xander
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