Ok.....so I had a BLAST!!!! tonight!!!!! Mom made me a costume and I got to go for a walk down the street (at night even) holding my favorite beach pail and walk up to the neighbors' doors, they would then put things in my pail!!!!! How cool is that!!!!!
Like my pumpkin? I helped dad carve the small one :) I really enjoyed pulling out the seeds.....really slimey....eeeewwwww

I like looking at the candle inside it :)

Here's the costume!!! I am a Tec Diver :) Here I am SCUBA diving!
No mask for me....no way would I keep one on!

What's this fish called???

Ooops! My reg almost fell out!!! And the kelp forest beats the tropics anyday :)

Here's a close-up of the costume for you :)

Dad is helping me with my split-fins....they are hard to put on with all this equipment on!

Don't I just look adorable?!

Wow there are a lot of steps....but I can do it

I'm a kid on a mission

Are they gonna put something in my pail too?

This lady let me pick out my own thing from the bowl.

I decided to plop myself down on the porch of this neighbor's house and find out what everyone keps putting in my pail.....still can't figure out what it is...oh well

C'mon dad! Keep up!!!

Well...we're done diving for the day....time to drive the boat home!!!
Happy Halloween Everyone!!!Bella
Oh man, ridiculously cute. Great job with the costume! The pacifier-reg is genius.
epic cuteness... I bet she had a fun time trying to walk with 'split fins' on
Cool costume! It's amazing how candy is so awesome before they even know what it is.
OMG! Shut up! That is too cute. I am totally stealing that idea! We need to hook up soon--I haven't had a Bella fix in a while.
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