Well...over the past month and a half alot has happened. We witnessed a natural disaster....The Station Fire, it came within 1/4 mi of our home. Nanna and Grandpa Brian came to visit (and got to be here for the fire) and I am getting into everything I can get my little hands on....someone has to keep mom and dad on their toes.
For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing me talk...

Pretty in Pink :)

Mommy and me

Wall of fun!

So glad they didn't actually buy this headband for me!
The things parents dress us kids up in...geez!

The turtle is as interested in me as I am in him....I think he wants me to feed him though

Family stroll on the Olive Walk of Caltech

We just met....can't you tell?

I love my Nanna

Happy me :) Dad's blowing bubbles in the air

Nanna, Grandpa and I on their last day here :(
I can't wait to see them at X-mas!

All smiles :)

But not always :(

My first tastes of spaghetti sauce...holy hella mmmmmmmm
Mom didn't get any after shots for fear of the mess the camera would encounter :)

I also learned how to take a sip and hold the juice in my mouth, then let it flow out slowly.
Exemplified here by my carrot juice!

Check out this cool slide I got!

It only took a few moments before I was climbing up it and mom had to put crash pads around it

Ah! Dad! I'm in my towel!!!

Normally I wouldn't post a picture like this....but (no punn intended) I thought it was too cute not to.

Mom gave me frozen blueberries for my teething....I ended up looking like someone beat me up...

What'd I tell ya?!

I can even eat like a somewhat civilized individual....
no really I've got the hang of this fork thing

I'm even trying to teach Odysseus to eat with utensils
1 comment:
GAH! I can't believe how big she's getting! So frickin cute.
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